Your Height Might Predict Your Risk of Varicose Veins
November 19, 2018
Varicose Veins: Cosmetic Issue or Health Concern
November 19, 2018There’s no denying that most individuals with varicose vein don’t like how they look. They may even cause self-consciousness or make people hide their legs in even the warmest weather.
That being said, varicose veins can be more than just a cosmetic concern. In fact, up to 77 percent of patients with varicose veins experience symptoms including pain, discomfort, and heaviness.
But some dismiss these issues and fail to seek proper medical attention.
So, what happens if you don’t treat leg veins?
Here are six complications that can arise from varicose veins that you should not ignore.
1. Swelling
Varicose veins can become so enlarged that fluid can leak from the vein into surrounding tissue. When this happens, individuals can experience varying degrees of leg swelling.
For some, it may manifest as a tight sensation in legs or marks in the skin after removing your socks. In more serious cases, swelling may get to that point that shoes no longer fit or a clear or yellowish fluid leaks from the skin.
2. Ulcers
Swelling from varicose veins is not an isolated problem. In fact, swollen tissues can decrease the delivery of nutrients and oxygen that are necessary to heal skin injuries.
This edema also causes ongoing tension in the skin that can lead to non-healing ulcers.
3. Skin Infection
Similarly, swelling from leg veins can limit the body’s ability to fight against infection. As a result, individuals may be more susceptible to a bacterial skin condition called cellulitis that presents with redness and warmth.
4. Bleeding
Venous insufficiency causes leg veins to become engorged with more blood that normal. Therefore, a cut on the leg can lead to significant bleeding, while a trauma that doesn’t break the skin may mean considerable bruising.
5. Thrombophlebitis
Patients with varicose veins also run the risk of blood clots, which may occur as hardening of the affected vein and warmth and pain in the surrounding area.
6. DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)
Of the patients that develop thrombophlebitis, approximately 25 percent form clots in the deep veins of the legs.
This a very serious condition that requires immediate medical attention, as the clot has the potential to travel to the lungs and produce a pulmonary embolism.
If you have varicose veins in Maryland that are causing cosmetic concerns, pain, or discomfort, call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with one of our vein specialists.
We are conveniently located in Westminster, Eldersburg, Baltimore, Hunt Valley and Bel Air.
We also service Ellicott City and Columbia in Howard County.