Is VenaSeal Covered by My Insurance in Maryland?

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Is VenaSeal Covered by My Insurance in Maryland?

VenaSeal in Maryland is one of, if not the, newest treatment option for patients suffering from varicose veins.

Due to the rising popularity of this treatment option, many patients are quick to ask “is VenaSeal covered by my insurance in Maryland?”

To learn more about VenaSeal, how it works, and information on insurance coverage, read below.

What is VenaSeal?

VenaSeal closure system is a medical glue that can be applied in order to seal the damaged vein.

Once applied, this glue undergoes a hardening process to completely seal off the vein.

It is then gradually absorbed into the body.

Why is VenaSeal Effective?

Once your vein has been successfully sealed, it gives the opportunity for healthier blood flow to be rerouted to viable veins in your body.

VenaSeal is a popular option due to the fact that it does not require heavy anesthesia or a Regional Nerve Block.

In most cases, patients can expect to return to normal activities immediately following their treatment.

VenaSeal vs. Heat Based Solutions

Heat based varicose vein solutions such as Endovenous Laser or Radiofrequency Ablation can be popular treatment options.

However, VenaSeal differs in that there is no risk of nerve damage or burning of the skin.

Additionally, these other treatment options typically require that the patient wear compression stockings and take pain medication post-treatment, VenaSeal does not.

Is VenaSeal Covered by My Insurance in Maryland?

Medicare covers VenaSeal if it has been deemed medically necessary. 

Additionally, many private carriers cover it as well. 

However, to know if your insurance will cover VenaSeal, you must speak with your carrier to get a full understanding of your individual plan details. 

Schedule a Consult for VenaSeal in Maryland to See if it’s Right for You

If you would like to gain more insight about VenaSeal in Maryland, a member of our staff is always happy to discuss what they know about insurance coverage and our treatment options. 

Contact our office online or call us at (410) 970-2314 today to learn more about VenaSeal in Maryland for your varicose veins.